The dream , opening your own place where you can show the world unparalleled culinary experiences never before seen.After all I am the end result of the CIA. All those years of working here and there must mean something right? We are going to show the world a new and better way, youthful exuberance at its finest. King Kong got nothing on us man. We know it all, learned from the best, watch out its time to rock and roll. Never mind, crank up the Zep Hey you get me a cold draft NOW!! Yep buddy only the best.God that Bass tastes good. Now if only----- there you are my little friend whos got the dry bill, quick, roll it lets go I have a reduction going. Fuck that made my eyes water. Shit who's making popcorn, have you ever wondered how red wine reduced to its carbon base actually bonds with the pot? Fuck it throw it for the dishwasher. Its my way or the highway pal. Ah yes we are going to show these uneducated heathens how its done. Making proud those who we have stood toe to toe, taught, yelled, screamed,punched and generally abused us for both pleasure and profit. For all of our experiences nothing quite fully prepares us for the orgasmic feeling of knowing that now,whatever happens its your ass flapping in that shit storm. Been there done that, got away with more shit than MJ at a pre school. Trust me I know how, where, when,got the T-shirt kinds of stuff. Nobody is going to pull this shit on my watch. Jigsawing together all those bits and pieces we have held so dearly, so closely like the dishwasher guarding his stash. Stash of food one might think, not even, food is shoveled down immediately. We're talking the necter of the gods a wonderfully smooth blend beer, cabernet, merlot, pinot grigio, gin, tequilla and whatever else. Tasty. Or how the storeroom turned den of carnal knowledge, oh excuse me, I meant interview room. Nice ass print. Knock next time.
There is satisfaction to be had knowing that your staff is the best. After all you hired them. Using all of the available knowledge and experience gained over the years, you refused to make all of those mistakes seen in the past. OK back to reality. These are the same derelicts, pervs, drunks, misfits, I'm here just for the money fucks you've seen in the past, only better, they are your derelicts, pervs, drunks and misfits. Funny, for most they can act. Acting like waitstaff as soon as they hit the floor. Some literally. Prospect of tips, the motivation. Last drops of Petreus, motivation. That piece of fois gras, motivation. Motivation to put aside ones vices,and physical disabilities [screaming hangovers] to make a buck.For in the culinary world we are gluttons, all of us. Great wines, great liquors, great foods, great preparations we live for this, and anyone who can deny these truths, get out now this is not your game.
Never mind the character flaws,and vices. Precious few can fill that void,wanting or satiate like a great meal. Like this, this very plate is " Le Belle Epoche".
We love this business.
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